Splainin’ Part 3

I am sorry to leave off my last post where I did……

Sooooo……After the positive HPT…….

I almost passed out…..WTF WTF WTF……..How did this happen??


Well I know HOW it happened, I just couldn’t believe that some how it did!

It was 7pm at night….too late to call the clinic…..I went downstairs and told Shane…..Best moment of my life…..The look of pure joy and love on his face was priceless…..he kept saying “are you sure?” “is this real?” We didn’t sleep much that night and I was up at 6am to drive to the clinic to get blood work done!

Later that day my Beta test came back at 948! It was a bit surreal…..I was still spotting but my Nurse said don’t worry about it unless it is a lot of bright red……I was told to come back in a few days for another Beta.

We were just through the roof, but still afraid to believe it……

My 2nd Beta came back at 400……We were told this wasn’t a viable pregnancy…..


Our joy was gone as fast as it came…..

And I thought the failed transfer felt bad….this was knock the wind out of you crushing…….2 days before Christmas. So now we had to wait for my HCG numbers to drop to zero before we could transfer again…..

I made a appointment with my RE and tried to stop crying……My numbers took a couple weeks to hit zero and I spotted for three weeks…..We are just waiting for AF to start this next cycle….hoping for some good news soon…..we could use it.

16 thoughts on “Splainin’ Part 3

  1. I’m so sorry. 😦 When my fiance and I found out we were pregnant, after 10 months of trying, we were so happy. When we went to what would have been my 8 week scan, she had me take another test, and the line was very, very faint. She told me that my levels were probably really low. Then she performed the ultrasound… and told us she couldn’t find a heartbeat, and my heart stopped. I spent days crying. She asked us to come back a few weeks later, so that she could check that everything was alright… and there was a heartbeat. We ended up switching clinics, and we discovered that the reason she couldn’t find a heartbeat was because their equipment was SUPER outdated. My son turned a year old 5 days ago, and I can’t imagine my life without him. Stay strong. ❤


  2. Oh no Im soo sorry! I can just imagine how heartbreaking and difficult this is for you and your partner, but keep your faith and keep trying! It will happen when you least expect it. Best of luck hon x


  3. Oh so sorry this happened to you guys! We had something similar happen to us July 2013. Got a positive test and were over the moon excited as we’d been trying for over a year but then at an eight u/s it was confirmed that I was only measuring at five weeks and no sign of a heart beat. It’s one of the worst things to go through and I’m so sorry it happened right before Christmas too. Fingers crossed for you for your next cycle! I also have a friend who got pregnant four days after her m/c so you never know what will happen. Sending positive vibes your way!!!


  4. I am so so so rooting for you guys! Keep believin good things will happen in 2016, you seem like a very strong person and I admire your courage! I know this whole infertility thing sucks HUGE. I still don’t feel safe, probably won’t until August. Ugh. Hang in there. ❤


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